International Women's Day


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International Women's Day
  • Price: FREE
  • Start date: This Event Has Ended.
  • Event Venue: Online

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women's achievements or rally for women's equality.

Marked annually on March 8th, International Women's Day (IWD) is one of the most important days of the year to:

- celebrate women's achievements
- raise awareness about women's equality
- lobby for accelerated gender parity
- fundraise for female-focused charities

The campaign theme for International Women's Day 2022 is ‘Break The Bias‘.
Imagine a gender equal world.
A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.
A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
A world where difference is valued and celebrated.
Together we can forge women's equality.
Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.

Whether hosting an event, running a campaign, launching an initiative, reporting on achievement, donating to a female-focused charity, or more – there are many ways groups and individuals can mark International Women's Day.

Three central beliefs underpin and guide the purpose and provisions of the International Women's Day website:

identifying, celebrating and increasing visibility of women's achievements can help forge equality
strategic collaborations based on a foundation of shared purpose, trust and appreciation can impact positive change for women
worldwide awareness raising via meaningful narratives, resources and activity can help combat gender bias and discrimination to accelerate gender parity
To support worldwide activity, the International Women's Day website provides:

- free guidance and resources
- a searchable IWD events database
- a platform for collaborative purpose-driven missions
- a hub showcasing the work of women creatives
- a speakers register for IWD event managers
- a women-owned business IWD supplier directory
- a fundraising channel for female-focused charities (100% direct to charity)

Event Venue
Upcoming Events Happening in Dublin


Arlington Hotel
Mon 3rd Feb


Merrion Square Park
Thu 6th Feb


Leopardstown Racecourse
Fri 7th Feb


Airfield Estate
Fri 7th Feb


Fri 7th Feb


Sat 8th Feb


Sat 8th Feb


Killruddery House and Gardens
Sat 8th Feb